Both these words are used to refer to a short period of sleep. The difference, however, is that one is intentional, and the other, is not. A nap is usually planned; you decide that you are going to sleep for a short period of time. It could vary between a few minutes to an hour. Elderly people usually take a nap after a heavy meal. Since a nap is planned, a person can decide where and for how long he is going to sleep – he may choose to sleep sitting in his favourite chair or he may decide to lie down on the bed. Naps usually take place during the day. The word comes from the Old English hnappian meaning ‘to sleep lightly’.

After three sets of tennis this morning, I came home and took a nap.

You look exhausted, Mythreye. Why don’t you have a short nap?

Dozing usually happens when you are involved in or supposed to be involved in some other activity. For example, we have all dozed off while watching some programme on TV or while listening to a boring talk being given by someone. Some people doze off while they are driving. In all these cases, the individual falls asleep unintentionally – unlike in the case of a nap – and because it is unplanned, people generally doze while sitting. The duration of a doze, unlike a nap, can be just a few seconds.

The teacher was dozing when the principal walked into the staffroom.

Many members of the audience dozed off listening to the dull speech.

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