Both words are used to refer to someone who is or looks overweight. Fat is the more common of the two, and it is usually used to refer to someone who is extremely overweight. The height of this individual may vary – he may be tall, short or of medium height. The word is usually used to show disapproval; when you say that someone is fat, you are suggesting that he presents an unpleasant sight. One does not usually call someone fat to their face; it would be considered impolite to do so.

Chunky, on the other hand, is normally used to refer to someone who is short and muscular. Being short and broad shouldered, he looks heavy. Unlike fat, chunky does not have a negative connotation. In fact, according to some books on usage, native speakers sometimes use the word to suggest affection. Chunk rhymes with skunk, punk and bunk.

Priya’s music teacher is chunky. He is definitely not fat.

I saw Raju walking with a chunky girl. Any idea who she is?

Published in the Hindu on 29 May 2017.

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